Summer 2021 ON TIME OR IT’s FREE Promo

BLACK BOX CUSTOMS is pleased to announce another promotion.

Starting with that first phone call or email received by our Sales department where your dreams take shape, and then onward to our Machining crew, Cerakote lab, and Laser team, our company of 15+ professionals in their fields are here to consult, serve, and deliver your finished project, hot and ready, just the way you wanted it or it’s free.

Serving our clients in our new facility, with a robust showroom, new world-class equipment, larger shop capacity, and ever growing skilled staff to streamline delivery of our products and services to you faster; Our operation has expanded and improved to produce the best experience we can for you.

And now, from August 18th to September 16th 2021, Black Box Customs is offering a custom Production Time Guarantee for your project.

What does that mean for you? Our Sales team will quote you a finish date for your project with the fastest turnaround time that our facility can muster and following completion of our work we will arrange for free* delivery of your project. If you don’t receive photos of your finished project and an invoice on or before the quoted date, all of your service work is FREE.

Either way it is a win-win - you get a blazing hot project with free shipping, or a free project with free shipping. This is Black Box Customs; Production Time Guarantee to you!


From August 18th to September 16th 2021, Black Box Customs is offering a custom Production Time Guarantee for your project.


  • From August 18th to September 16th 2021, we are offering a Production Time Guarantee for your project.  

  • Our sales team will quote you a finish date for your project. 

  • We will ship your finished project to you FREE (some conditions apply; see terms and conditions below).

  • In addition, if you don’t receive photos of your finished project and an invoice on or before the quoted date, your service work is also FREE.


  • Items must be in transit to Black Box Customs by the end of Sept 16th, 2021.

  • Your project must be quoted by us and confirmed by you prior to you shipping your firearm to Black Box Customs.

  • Client is responsible for cost of shipping firearm to us.

  • Free return shipping is offered via Canada Post and doesn’t apply to discounted or oversized projects.

  • Parts must be purchased upfront at the start of the project and service work is calculated and invoiced at the end of the project.

  • We guarantee the work is completed properly and without defect, the promo will be void if there is a composition discrepancy

  • We reserve the right to exempt a project from this promo if we deem that we are unable to quote a reasonable lead time.

  • Your project must be finalized at the time of your firearm being received by us. If any later changes are requested, the quote is invalid and timeline must be re-calculated/confirmed.

feel free to drop us a line